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Haus of Healings LLC

Each of us involved at Haus of Healings answered a call to serve. Whether that call was to change one’s course in life, heal one’s own life , create a beacon of hope for humanity, offer an honest resource, or the many reasons one can be called, we chose to answer. That answer lead to education with the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, then each other and now… here. For you. All of you. Any and all that are curious, creative, healing, hoping, wandering and wondering. We aim to be your safe place to land where you can come as you are and go as you can. We invite you to join us as we free the Spirit, explore the Soul, expand the Mind, and master the Self… together, guided by professional Integrative Healing Arts Practitioners. 

Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner, IHAP

What exactly is an Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner? Let’s break it down.

The healing Arts are an accumulation of creative and professional, holistic, alternative and non medical approaches that aid in awakening one’s own ability to heal. Promoting total wellness through mind, body, physical, spiritual and emotional integration. The healing arts include reiki, meditation, Shamanism, music, art, yoga, Spirituality, massage, ritual bathing & much more! 


Meet the Collective

We are a new and expanding cooperative of practitioners of the Healing Arts. Haus of Healings has an open door to applicants seeking like minded individuals who share the call to serve in a professional, safe and inclusive manner. We truly believe, that together, we are capable of great and wonderful healing for, and of, humanity as a whole.  

The Pathway of Integration

In Shamanism it is believed that each individual has four bodies. The Physical Body, The Mental Body, The Spiritual Body and The Emotional Body. It is integral that these four bodies are connected and integrated in order to achieve maximum well being and self mastery to embody one’s fullest potential while experiencing this life.


In freeing the Spirit one is invited on the journey to (re)discover their inner and truest self. The you that craves to roam, play, connect, and experience this life for all that is and has to offer. Life is meant to be lived rather than survived and this is a place where one can learn to do so. Joy is not only a birthright, it is a fundamental necessity to the human experience! 

“It is the free-spirited people that we most admire and often envy- those individuals who dare to be themselves.” - Kevyn Aucoin


Through expanding the mind, one is capable of mastering the self. It is expansion of the mind that allows one to venture onto various pathways through cultures, wisdoms, literature, lifestyles and more that deepens ones understanding of themselves. In knowing ones values, morals, likes, dislikes, preferences and curiosities, our very reality shifts before our eyes and deep with our hearts.

“Master your mind and re-create your reality.” -Sonia Ricotti 


Exploring the Soul through the lens of Spiritual Universalism allows all that one seeks to be that of connection. We are able to add to one’s own faith, guide to deeper understanding, and open doors to other worlds/cultures. Exploring the Soul creates an unshakeable sense of self worth, love, and devotion. 

“Our soul is the sacred essence within us; our deepest purpose, our unique meaning, the guiding force behind our individual lives.” - Mateo Sol


Healing the body requires a deep connection of mind, body, spirit, and emotions. It is through that integration that we believe, one is better able to heal their body, their vessel of the soul, on a personal level. Whether one is looking to add to their daily routine, adapt to a new/chronic diagnosis, age healthily, or the many reasons one seeks positive change in their health, we strive to guide through one’s personal needs. 

“Come as you are, go as you can, for life is yours to be lived.” -Haus of Healings

Words of Wisdom; the Blog
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